‘Power Concrete’ Competition

COMMUNICATION – National Power Concrete 2023 Competition.

In accordance with §5. of the Regulations of the National Power Concrete 2023 Competition, we would like to kindly inform you that the composition of the Jury of the Competition is as follows:

Prof. Jacek Śliwiński, Politechnika Krakowska – Przewodniczący
Dr hab. inż. Artur Łagosz prof. AGH, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
Dr inż. Grzegorz Bajorek prof. PRZ, Politechnika Rzeszowska
Mgr inż. Justyna Piotrowska-Łój, Stowarzyszenie Producentów Betonu Towarowego w Polsce
Mgr inż. Wojciech Leja, Stowarzyszenie Producentów Chemii Budowlanej
Mgr inż. Zbigniew Pilch, Stowarzyszenie Producentów Cementu

  1. In accordance with §13. of the Regulations of the National Power Concrete2021 Competition, we kindly inform you that the 1st Stage of the Power Concrete 2023 Competition will be held …….. ………….2023 at the Faculty of Materials Engineering and Ceramics of the AGH University of Science and Technology in pavilion B6-laboratory 08, Mickiewicza Avenue 30, Cracow. The competition will begin at 9:00 am in room 01.
  2. In accordance with §20. of the Regulations of the National Power Concrete 2023 Competition, the deadline for the delivery of samples for the First Stage of the Competition – Qualification Round is set for ….. September 2023.
  3. In accordance with §11. of the Rules and Regulations of the National Power Concrete 2023 Competition, please deliver (by email to powerconcrete@polskicement.pl or with samples to the laboratory) the completed application form by August 22, 2023.
  4. The performance of concrete samples for the Power Concrete 2023 Competition Final will be held ….. September 2023 at the Faculty of Materials Engineering and Ceramics of the AGH University of Science and Technology in pavilion B6-laboratory 08, Mickiewicza Avenue 30, Krakow. The competition will start at ….00 in room 01.
  5. Participants of Stage II of the Power Concrete 2023 Competition, in accordance with §22 of the Regulations, will use ingredients prepared by the Organizer to make concrete

We announce the next edition of the nationwide competition “POWER CONCRETE 2023” organized by the Association of Cement Manufacturers.

The competition will be held in two stages, where the first stage – The Qualification Round will consist of concrete with an average (of 3 measurements) compressive strength of fcm = 69 MPa. Contestants will prepare and deliver to the Organizer one series of three cubic samples of 150mm side.

The second stage – the Competition Final, which will be entered by the top five teams from the qualifying round, consists in the execution of ……………………………………

For more details on the competition and to apply for participation, see the POWER CONCRETE Competition Regulations.

We cordially invite all supporters, enthusiasts and those willing to compete in the competition!

Regulations of the Power Concrete 2023 Competition (coming soon)

All interested in participating in ‘Power Concrete’ competition are kindly requested to contact:

Andrzej Jędrychowskiandrzej.jedrychowski@polskicement.pltel. +48 603 114 695

The Competition partner and the supplier of strength testing machine

Contest elimination host

Laboratory service
