Dni Betonu prize

Distinction for individuals and institutions with significant achievements in the field of concrete technology, both in the field of science and the actual implementation of construction works.

WINNERS OF THE Dni Betonu Prize 2021

  • Dariusz Blocher – for 20 years he created Budimex, the largest construction company in Poland, for 14 years he managed this company
  • Arch. Marcin Brataniec –Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology. He is the author of designs for many significant projects. – He recently succeeded in casting a large stone of concrete over the Vistula River in Golędzinowo, Warsaw
  • Andrzej PtakHas always been associated with the cement industry. Since 1977 he has been an employee of the Ozarow Cement Plant, where he passed through all levels of his professional career. For 26 years he was chairman of the CO’s board of directors. Currently serves as head of the CO Supervisory Board. Chairman of the SPC for 3 terms.
  • Prof. Tomasz Siwowski – a prominent bridge builder affiliated with Rzeszow University of Technology, and since 1995 the owner of the growing company Promost Consulting, in recent years his area of interest has expanded to include tunnels.
From left: Krzysztof Kieres, Marcin Brataniec, Dariusz Blocher and Prof. Jan Deja
From left: Zbigniew Pilch, Dariusz Gawlak, Andrzej Ptak, Prof. Tomasz Siwowski, Prof. Jan Deja


The Association of Cement Manufacturers is one of the oldest trade associations in the country. It was established just after the transition that began in 1989. Today SPC is something, it is a brand. April 2020 marked the 30th anniversary of the association. We were ready for the anniversary celebration, but we had to withdraw due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we are starting to present the SPC 30th anniversary medals during CONCRETE DAYS. We want to honor with these medals a group of people who have built the strength of the association and have worked with us over the years either personally or through various institutions,” explained Prof. Jan Deja, director of the SPC office

A total of 13 medals were presented during the conference.

The medals were awarded to: Tomasz Żuchowski, Prof. Leszek Rafalski, Prof. Wiesław Kurdowski, Andrzej Tekiel, Leonard Palka, Andrzej Ptak, Jarosław Brożyna, the Association of Producers of Ready-mixed Concrete in Poland, the Limestone Industry Association, the Association of Producers of Construction Chemistry, the Association of Polish Architects, the Association of Concrete Manufacturers, and Krystyna Wiśniewska.

On behalf of the SPC, the awards and medals were presented by Chairman Krzysztof Kieres and Vice Chairman Dariusz Gawlak.

Winners of the Dni Betonu 2021 Medals with organizers

DNI BETONU Prize WINNERS FROM the BEGINNING (YEARS 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018):

  • Prof. Pierre-Claude Aitcin
  • Prof. Andrzej Ajdukiewicz
  • Prezes Andrzej Balcerek
  • Prof. Jan Biliszczuk
  • inż. Sławomir Cebo
  • Prof. Lech Czarnecki
  • Edward Marcinków
  • Prof. Kazimierz Flaga
  • Prof. Kazimierz Furtak
  • Prof. Zbigniew Giergiczny
  • Architekt Tomasz Konior
  • Prof. Wiesław Kurdowski
  • Prof. arch. Stefan Kuryłowicz
  • Architekt Zbigniew Maćków
  • Prof. Jan Małolepszy
  • Józef Mokrzycki
  • Prof. Adam Neville
  • Prof. Wojciech Radomski
  • Dr Tomasz Rudnicki
  • Prof. Jacek Śliwiński
  • Piotr Smolarczyk
  • Bolesław Stelmach
  • Stowarzyszenie Architektów Polskich
  • Stowarzyszenie Producentów Betonów
  • Stowarzyszenie Producentów Betonu Towarowego w Polsce
  • Stowarzyszenie Producentów Brukowej Kostki Drogowej
  • Prof. Janusz Szwabowski
  • Prof. Antoni Szydło
  • Prof. Genowefa Zapotoczna-Sytek


  • Israel Barbossa,
  • Jacek Błoński,
  • Mirosław Hrapkowicz,
  • Robert Czołgosz,
  • Michał Elert,
  • Przemysław Gemel,
  • Krzysztof Kaczan,
  • Zdzisław Kohutek,
  • Cristian Melardi,
  • Janusz Miłuch,
  • Krzysztof Pogan,
  • Tomasz Rudnicki,
  • Kazimierz Rupiński,
  • Józef Siwiec,
  • Małgorzata Skalska,
  • Mieczysław Soboń,
  • Krzysztof Starzyk,
  • Arnold Tomala,
  • Tadeusz Wasąg,
  • Jerzy Wrona,
  • Michał Wrzosek
  • Łukasz Żyła.